Welcome to this month's edition of the Tax and Business Alert. Our goal is to provide you with current articles on various tax and business topics. The articles are intended to keep you up to date on trends and issues that may impact your business and personal financial affairs.  Please contact us if you have questions about any of the issues discussed.

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o many of the documents we all use in our personal lives these days are digital. However, there are still many that you should retain as hard copies. These include birth, marriage and death certificates; Social Security cards; tax returns; passports; and estate planning documents, such as deeds and wills.

Be sure to safeguard these records from physical harm — literally. If you’re going to keep them at home, invest in a safe that’s both fireproof and waterproof. Better yet, consider storing them or copies of them in a safe deposit box at a reputable bank.

You can keep digital documents in a safe or safe deposit box as well. Save them on a password-protected device such as a flash drive or external hard drive and add them to your protected paper files. Of course, you can store digitized documents in the cloud, but it’s a good idea to have “redundant backups” in case the cloud service fails or gets hacked.

If you do invest in a fireproof, waterproof safe, consider stashing some cash in it as well. In the event of a major disaster, ATMs may not work, and banks could close for an extended period. Exactly how much you should set aside depends on your risk level and your need for basics such as food, lodging, medical supplies, gasoline and groceries.

Important Information: The information contained in this newsletter was not intended or written to be used and cannot be used for the purpose of (1) avoiding tax—related penalties prescribed by the Internal Revenue Code or (2) promoting or marketing any tax—related matter addressed herein.

The Tax and Business Alert is designed to provide accurate information regarding the subject matter covered. However, before completing any significant transactions based on the information contained herein, please contact us for advice on how the information applies in your specific situation. Tax and Business Alert is a trademark used herein under license. © Copyright 2023.