Welcome to this month's edition of the Tax and Business Alert. Our goal is to provide you with current articles on various tax and business topics. The articles are intended to keep you up to date on trends and issues that may impact your business and personal financial affairs.  Please contact us if you have questions about any of the issues discussed.

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Anyone who is starting a new business or considering changing their business entity needs to determine what will work best for them. Should they operate as a C corporation or as a pass-through entity such as a sole proprietorship, partnership, limited liability company (LLC) or S corporation? There are many issues to consider.

Abstract: Inventory is expensive, so it needs to be as lean as possible without compromising revenue and customer service. This article provides some suggestions to help businesses trim the fat from inventory and some useful inventory ratios for benchmarking and evaluating their mix of products.

Abstract: Teachers who are getting their classrooms ready for a new school year often pay for some of their classroom supplies out-of-pocket. They may be able to get some of that cost back by taking advantage of a special tax break for educators. This deduction improved after the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act became effective in 2018. Here's how eligible teachers and other educators can benefit.

Abstract: Taxpayers hoping to purchase a home may find themselves short of cash for a down payment or related costs. That's where withdrawing from an IRA could come in handy. But for taxpayers who are below age 59½, the IRS considers that to be an ''early withdrawal,'' which is generally subject to a 10% tax penalty. However, exceptions apply, including one for certain home purchases. Here are the details.

Important Information: The information contained in this newsletter was not intended or written to be used and cannot be used for the purpose of (1) avoiding tax—related penalties prescribed by the Internal Revenue Code or (2) promoting or marketing any tax—related matter addressed herein.

The Tax and Business Alert is designed to provide accurate information regarding the subject matter covered. However, before completing any significant transactions based on the information contained herein, please contact us for advice on how the information applies in your specific situation. Tax and Business Alert is a trademark used herein under license. © Copyright 2024.